I spent yesterday reading about Oct files and examining the code in fastnu.c
with an eye towards producing a working oct-file form of fastlscomplex
, and I think I've found the proper course to take, in the end. The one painful part of this is that it will involve rewriting fastlscomplex
as C++, not C — but, I'd like to point out, this may not be a bad thing.
The greatest driving factor in my decision is the signature on the current fastnucomplex()
void fastlscomplex(Real *tptr, Complex *xptr, int *nptr, double *lengthptr, int *ncoeffptr, int *noctaveptr, Real *omegamaxptr, Complex *rp)
which involves quite a few pointers; in the context of the original function, this proved to be no problem, as the R code was designed to integrate with the C in use here, and as such it used more primitive structures like Real[] and Complex[] (Real, Complex being
-d parts of the C'99 spec) — however, Octave reveals structures to C++ as objects, so my new code has the following objects:
const RowVector tvals = args(0).row_vector_value();
const ComplexVector xvals = args(1).row_vector_value();
which do not behave nicely in the context of pointers. They're much better traversed with methods designed to do so. As such, in the end, I've determined that it'll be of more use to me to rewrite
, and, when I get to it,
as C++ code — but I don't expect this to introduce too much overhead into my work, since the bulk of the work is changing the relevant pointers to the proper methods, while altering a few structures into forms that I'd prefer.
I'm starting working on this today, and I'll keep up my SVN commits; I corrected a typo in my commit today, and I'll write some tests/different demo functions when I'm too burned out on the C++.