So, hi, I'm Ben Lewis, and this is the blog I'll be using to track my work for Google Summer of Code 2012. In particular, I'm writing a package that implements Least-squares spectral analysis for Octave-Forge, and I'm basing the package off of Adolf Mathias' R and C implementation; the full project page is available on Google Melange.
As of now, I've written up a roadmap of the methods to be implemented, I've read (and re-read, and re-re-read) the article involved and I've commented approximately a third of the associated C source, as well as tested the R code included (I still need to find a way to produce a version of the wavelet graphs in R, which according to the authors were not produced with it) and I'll post the sample code to produce identical results in further posts.
In terms of next steps over the next day or two, I'll be creating an lssa folder in the Octave-Forge svn tree, and I'll get a few files in place just to document where the project will be leading once coding starts. I will also take some time to follow up on the excellent recommendations from Michael Godfrey, and read the articles he suggested.
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